Welcome to my home page! I am a Research Economist at the Financial Research Unit from the Central Bank of Chile. I graduated from UPF, Barcelona, in July 2021 (Ph.D. Economics).
What’s new
- November 2023: Our paper “UIP Deviations: Insights from Event Studies," with Elias Albagli, Luis Ceballos and Sebastian Claro has been accepted for publication at the Journal of International Economics
- October 2023: I will present two papers at the XXVIII Meeting of Central Bank Researchers Network at CEMLA’s headquarters (Mexico City) during November
- July 2023: Our paper “Inequality, Nominal Rigidities, and Aggregate Demand," with Sebastian Diz and Mario Giarda is conditionally accepted for publication at the European Economic Review
- March 2023: Our paper “Expenditure Heterogeneity, Nominal Rigidities, and Aggregate Fluctuations” with Benjamín García, Mario Giarda y Carlos Lizama will be presented at
- Third Catalan Economic Society Congress (Barcelona, Spain)
- 2023 Annual Meeting of the Society of Economic Dynamics (Cartagena, Colombia)
- I Annual Conference of the Banco Central do Brasil (Brasilia, Brasil)
- 38th Meeting of the European Economic Association (Barcelona, Spain)
Download my CV.